Now we know sometimes this is not always possible, but we can take extra measures when we are forced to be near a sick person with a cold or flu. Their nasal mucus and saliva is what’s going to make you sick. All it takes is for them to brush their hand across their face and then to touch something you are going to touch, like a door nob. A few seconds later, their germs are now yours to keep. The only way to avoid this, is to wipe everything they touched with an antibacterial wipe before you touch it.
Why is the common cold and flu so common? Because people go to work sick or visit friends sick, spreading their germs far and wide. Best place you can be when you have a cold or flu, is nice and cozy, rugged up in your bed. People often feel bad calling in sick, but realistically one person infecting ten people in the office will cost a company a lot more. Do everyone a favour and stay at home.
As the cooler months draw nearer, the viruses accumulate on the public surfaces we touch. If you have a routine, you can combat these germs and dramatically reduce your risk of a cold or flu infection. All you need is a small amount of alcohol sanitiser, about the size of a five cent piece and rub it over the surface of your hands. A great time to form a habit, is every time you sit down.
For example:
It seems like a lot at first but if you tie it in with sitting down, the habit forms rather quickly and only takes 20 seconds or less.
By the time your nose is running and your throat is sore, your body is already inundated with virus particles. Acupuncture at this stage can dramatically reduce the time it takes your body to recover by increasing your white blood cell counts and increasing your immune response. Scientific studies have shown that white blood cell counts are increased in as little as 20 minutes after an acupuncture treatment. (1)
However, prevention is far better then cure. If you have acupuncture on the same day or the following day after being exposed to a sick person, your body may only have a few virus particles that have not yet replicated. An acupuncture treatment at this stage may prevent you from getting sick.
Our bodies need a little extra sleep in the colder months to function at their best. It gets darker earlier so bring your bedtime forward an hour and get a little extra shut eye.
Grandma wasn’t wrong telling you to always wear enclosed shoes and a scarf in Autumn and Winter. Exposure to a cool wind particularly to your feet and neck is enough to drop your immune system and you may find yourself sick with a cold. If it’s a windy day do your best to stay indoors.
Soup for breakfast is a big part of Asian culture and for good reasons. According to TCM first thing in the morning the energy of your digestive system is at it’s weakest so we suggest homemade (dairy free) soup which use very little energy and gastric juices in the digestion process.
Check out our delicious chicken soup recipe. Cook up a batch on Sunday and reheat a portion on the stove each morning.
While acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may help reduce your recovery time from a cold or flu, once again prevention is better then cure. If you have been exposed to a sick person, like a co-worker or partner, taking a preventative Chinese herbal formula may reduce your chances of getting sick.
Cold and flu Chinese medicine formulas are available with a free 5 minute consult. Just be sure to call us first so we can arrange a time when a practitioner is available to see you.
Thermogenisis is putting your whole or part of your body into ice cold water, for a very short period of time. Now your whole body is a little extreme and not for the faint hearted, but based on this principle, we suggest dipping our face, hands and feet into a bucket or bowl of ice water. Why an earth would you want to do that you ask. The sudden shock to your cells helps stimulates your immune system, and is said to help reduce inflammation, increase blood flow and slow down the aging process. We recommend dipping your face, hands and feet into the ice water 3 times for 10 seconds each time. Pop a peg on your nose to avoid water entering your sinuses. It stings the first few times you do this but your body adapts after just a few weeks. For more information about the benefits of ice check out the Wim Hof method.
Your entire body including your immune system functions a lot better with good levels of vitamins and minerals. Our general all round multivitamin is the Femme Essentials and Male Essentials from metagenics. It is a high quality product that is only available from registered health practitioners.
Food workers are often on hourly wages and many may come to work while they are still contagious with the flu. contaminating the food they serve. The best thing you can do in the cooler months is not buy take out.
Processed foods are high in preservatives (chemicals) which weaken your health and your immune system. This is the time to eat lots of fresh meat, fruit and vegetables.
If you would like to see one of our practitioners for support of your health and immune system you can book an appointment here
At the TLC Acupuncture Brisbane we strive to achieve the best results for you and your health.
Your well-being is important to us. That's why our practitioners have been hand picked to create a team of highly motivated, passionate people who are dedicated to getting the best outcome for you and your family.
Second best is not good enough. We aim to be the best in the business and to do our very best for each patient we treat.
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