Electro acupuncture is quite similar to traditional acupuncture in that the same points are stimulated during treatment only with the addition of an electrical current. The effects of electro acupuncture are stronger then a standard acupuncture treatment. The needles are inserted as per normal acupuncture and then attached to a device that generates continuous electric pulses using small clips. These devices are used to adjust the frequency and intensity of the impulse being delivered, depending on the condition being treated.
Electro acupuncture makes a person think of something hideous like electroshock therapy or being electrocuted but rest assured electro acupuncture is nothing like that. The electrical current is so small it feels like a buzz or a tingle. You are in complete control the entire time of how high the machine is turned up and rest assured the machine does not have the strength to be able to electrocute you.
Most people come back from their first session of electro acupuncture requesting we use the machine again.
Whether it be a regular acupuncture session or an electro acupuncture session the costs are same. We offer acupuncture services at two price points, one for Standard Acupuncturists and one for Senior Acupuncturists with advanced training and over a decade of experience.
TLC Acupuncture Brisbane maintains the highest level of care and is registered with the health funds allowing our patients to claim the health fund rebates.
Hicaps is available in all our clinics for instant rebates so you may simply swipe your health fund card and only pay the gap, saving you the time of having to claim the money back from your health insurer.
Health fund members can usually claim around half of this cost back, though it varies depending upon your health fund and level of cover.
At the TLC Acupuncture Brisbane we strive to achieve the best results for you and your health.
Your well-being is important to us. That's why our practitioners have been hand picked to create a team of highly motivated, passionate people who are dedicated to getting the best outcome for you and your family.
Second best is not good enough. We aim to be the best in the business and to do our very best for each patient we treat.
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